A few things you can expect this year and next year from many other strategies being worked on. Bridge to Etherium.

18 Aug 2023, 12:08
A few things you can expect this year and next year from many other strategies being worked on 1. Bridge to Etherium 2. Travel Agency service in partnership with major international travel agencies (book with PRDS) 3. Hotel operations: Buy back from revenue, revenue sharing mechanism to holders, Supply Burns, etc. 4. Additional tourism industry partnerships 5. App launch And much more… All details will be shared in due time when everything is finalized, till then we will keep the information release on these to a minimum. Have patience and faith as this is a long play. We agree that Hotel construction is taking longer than we all thought. But this kind of investment and project hits rough patches along the road. We’re still moving forward without taking any step back. The hardest part is done which’s the concrete structure. A little more push and restlessness will pay off soon. Finishing and working capital and recruitment works to resume soon. We expect funds to be secured within a month or so for everything that’s pending 🧘🏾